Smart Farming

Difco International is the specialist in the field of SMART Farming. Difco introduced Fieldlook Crop Monitoring for SMART Farming in arable farming. Through satellites crops are weekly measured on production, nutrients and moisture and Difco developed decision support systems to help the arable farmer to make better decisions about the crops.

Not only in arable farming, but also in Dairy farming Difco introduce SMART farm technology to help you to manage your herd better. Difco promote the use of AFIKIM electronics to measure the amount of milk, temperature, activity and weight of the cows to detect in very early stage problems cows. Even through measuring the weight the condition of the cows can be optimalized and diseases can be avoided by keeping the cows in right body condition. For management of feed Difco also introduce SMART farming technology to measure on the mixer the exact amounts of each ingredient and store them centrally in the cloud and have a team of experts helping you to improve the rations and make sure the ration that you want is also actually fed.

Even in the supply of Semen today SMART farming technology plays a role, thanks to the technology of genomics from young bulls already data are available about their performance. Not only about the traditional traits such as milk, fat, protein, udders, legs, etc but also about milk components such as caseins and fats. Thanks to SMART technology even breeding is made more easy and predictable.

All these technologies help you to manage your farm better, but at the end of the day it is all about people who have to do it for you. So we use technology not as a goal in its own or as the magic key but as a tool for you and your people to do a better job.


Dutch Ukrainian Dairy Centre (DUDC) Van der Ploeg KazakhstanVan der Ploeg KazakhstanDifcoDifcoDifco