About us

Difco International BV is  specialized in the development and management of agricultural projects in emerging market in the following fields:

  • Milk production
  • Meat production (beef, veal, poultry and pig)
  • Crop production

We promote a practical approach in which using the opportunities and minimizing the risks in the central theme. We focus on day to day management and low cost price per kg product sold. With the use of SMART farming technology such as fiedlook crop monitoring, dairy farm and feed management systems we optimize the production process on your farm. Our core business is to help you to farm better and make more money with optimal day to day farming. To enable you to do so we not only assist in management but also supply pregnant heifers, semen, milking equipment, slaughtery equipment and complete projects in emerging markets.


Dutch Ukrainian Dairy Centre (DUDC) Van der Ploeg KazakhstanVan der Ploeg KazakhstanDifcoDifcoDifco